Spectrum Plots allow you to display the entire spectrum of selected features. This is commonly used to visually review a spectral unmixing matrix but has other creative uses.
1. Select Make Spectrum Plot

Add a Figure task to your workflow. Select ꠵ Actions ➝ Figure Actions ➝ Make Spectrum Plot.
2. Choose which Features to Display

Select the Features for Spectrum Plots, and click Submit. Here we have chosen the same Features used in the Create Spectral Unmixing Matrix task.
3. (Optional) Customize
By default your plots will look like the top image above. If you are creating these plots for the purpose of reviewing a spectral unmixing matrix, or with many features, you may want to make a super wide plot. If you wish to end up with a Spectrum Plot that looks like the lower image, follow these steps. Select the plot ➝ if not already visible, click Settings ➝ increase the X Resolution. You can also change the Lane Width %.
4. Bonus Step: View Spectrum Plot for all your (control) Files

Once you are happy with how your plots look, you can generate the same spectrum plots for multiple files easily. Click here to view our guide on Generating Figures Rapidly Using Permute