The Permute action in the Figure task is particularly useful for quickly generating plots across Files, Features and Filters.
The Permute action is only available in Grid Mode, it is not yet available in Canvas Mode.
1. Make a "template" plot(s)
Add a Figure task to your workflow and add a New Plot, select the new plot (if you don't select the plot then the Tab Settings will show instead of the Plot Settings, click Settings to make any necessary changes to the plot in the Plot Settings. The plot you want to make will depend on what permute actions you wish to perform. Some examples are given in Step (3) below.
2. Select the Permute Action
Select the plot(s) you want to Permute. Right click on your selection, or click Actions → Permute Selected.
3. Choose how you want to Permute your plot(s)
There are several different ways to permute your plot(s), either by File, X-Axis (or Y-axis), or Filter. Examples of each are given below. Same row will permute across, and New row will permute down.
Note that only one Permute action can be performed at a time. To permute by multiple dimensions (eg. X-axis and Filter), simply perform the Permute Action multiple times, as shown in examples 3.2 and 3.3 below.
3.1. Show your plot(s) for every selected File
In this example we want to View the Gating Hierarchy over all our Files. Select all plots (Drag to select, right click or Actions → Select → Select All) → Permute Selected (Step 2 above) → File → Select the Files you want to view → Select how you want to view them (in this example, New row) → Permute.
3.2. Show your plot(s) for every selected Feature on the X (or Y-axis or Z-axis)
In this example we want to view the expression of a selection of Features on our selected Filter (CD56-gd- CD8+). Select the plot → Permute Selected (Step 2 above) → X-axis → Select the Features you want to view → Select how you want to view them (in this example, Same row) → Permute. Note that the X-axis is the only axis shown in the Permute Action because this is a histogram.
3.3. Show your plot(s) for every selected Filter
In this example we want to take Step (3.2) further, and view the expression across sibling Filters. Select all plots (Drag to select, right click or Actions → Select → Select All) → Permute Selected (Step 2 above) → Filter → Select the Filters you want to view → Select how you want to view them (in this example, New row) → Permute.