A nifty tip if you have brand or custom colors you want to standardize on.
1. Copy Palette to Clipboard

Copy a list of hex codes concatenated or separated by commas, spaces, newlines, or semicolons. E.g., #ff7e0e, #ff7e0e, #B800FF. The "#" character must be present.
Here we are using a useful tool (https://colorbrewer2.org/) to find a palette. This is just an example, of course use whatever is your suitable palette.
The hex codes can be surrounded by quotes or not, both will work.
2. Paste Palette from Clipboard

Make sure you have your plot(s) selected. Click Settings → ⫶ in Overlay Filters dropdown → Paste Palette from Clipboard. Paste your palette and click Update.
3. Admire your New Palette

4. Reusing Palettes in OMIQ

To reuse a palette in OMIQ, make sure you have your plot(s) selected, click Settings → ⫶ in Overlay Filters dropdown → Copy Palette. Navigate to where you want to use this palette, go to the same menu and click Paste Palette from OMIQ.