Forming Connections
Before you can share anything, you must connect with other users. To do this, go to your profile page and enter in email addresses of other OMIQ users. They will get a notification about your connection request. When they accept you will be able to share with them.
Sharing Datasets
A Dataset can be shared from the collaborators tab in the Dataset.
Sharing Workflows
A workflow can be shared from the collaborators tab in the workflow.
When a user is added to a workflow it will automatically give them reader access to the Dataset. So, in most cases, a user should just be added directly to a workflow and not to the Dataset prior, since that part is automated. The exception is when they need a higher access level on the Dataset.
Roles & Permissions
A user added to a Dataset or workflow can be a Reader or Editor. Give someone reader access to limit their ability to edit the resource. Editor access, as the name implies, means the user can edit the resource.
On your profile page, underneath the Connections pane, there is a Groups pane. Here is where you can create and manage Groups. A Group is a collection of users that work together or otherwise share access to certain Datasets and Workflows. Instead of sharing with individual users, you can share with the Group to give all the users in the Group access to the resource. This is generally easier and less prone to error. Furthermore, new users can simply be added to the Group in order to give them access to all the underlying resources the Group has access to, or conversely removed upon leaving the Group. This is much simpler than adding or removing individual access for many resources individually and separately.
In order to add users to the Group, you must be connected with that user. The exception to this rule is for user administrators, a special role for OMIQ enterprise clients.
If a user has direct access to a resource in addition to Group access to a resource, but different roles in each, they will get the greatest role from among their multiple means of access.